Universal R-410A Safety & Training

Universal R-410A Safety & Training

Lots of Pressure Here!

The R-410A Safety Training Program addresses the issues of safe handling, training and certification with the use of R-410A.

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410APM Buy Training Manual CD410A Interactive CD

Instructor Resources
Contains PPT, IS
Item #: 410APPT
Number of Slides: 54

Training Manual

Provides necessary training and practical knowledge to safely service systems containing R-410A and R- 407C, the R-22 phase-out, appropriate refrigerant and oil applications, service techniques, and safe handling of R- 410A.

Available in English and Spanish.


Interactive CD-Rom

A CD that provides information in the book chapter by chapter in a fun and interactive format.

Includes practice questions for the exam.

Instructor Resources

Instructor resource media includes:

  • PPT - PowerPoint that correlates directly with the training manual. Each slide within the presentation contains speaker notes that are designed to aid the instructor through the presentation and provide additional talking points.
  • IS - Instructional supplement with course objectives and lesson plans to keep the program on track.


The AC&R Safety Coalition exam validates that a person possess the knowledge to safely work with this refrigerant and helps reduce liability.

This 50-question exam covers proper safety, handling, and application of R-410A refrigerant systems. Persons who pass this examination receive a certificate and an AC&R Safety Coalition R-410A patch.