Hydrocarbon Refrigerants

Hydrocarbon Refrigerants

HC Refrigerants are a SNAP!

HVACR professionals need a solid understanding of the refrigeration cycle and proper handling of CFC, HCFC and HFC refrigerants.


Buy Training Manual

Take Online Course

Instructor Resources
Contains PPT

Having been approved for use in specific applications under the EPA's Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP), it is only a matter of time before technicians begin encountering systems utilizing these refrigerants in the field.
It is highly recommended only experienced refrigeration professionals handle hydrocarbon refrigerants.

Training Manual

The manual covers:

  • Introduction to hydrocarbon refrigerants
  • Regulations and standards
  • Refrigerant safety
  • Compressor terminal venting
  • Compressor change out
  • System flushing, purging and pressure testing for leaks
  • Compatibility
  • Servicing procedures

Instructor Resources

Instructor resource media includes:

  • PPT - PowerPoint that correlates directly with the training manual.


The open book, 50-question, end-ofcourse, online assessment verifies comprehension of course materials.

Those who successfully complete the program will receive an RSES Course Completion Certificate.

A score of 88% correct (44 correct out of 50 questions) is required to pass the exam. The cost of the exam is $40.

Take the Exam Now