Having been approved for use in specific applications under the EPA's Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP), it is only a matter of time before technicians begin encountering systems
utilizing these refrigerants in the field.
It is highly recommended only experienced refrigeration professionals handle hydrocarbon refrigerants.
Training Manual
The manual covers:
- Introduction to hydrocarbon refrigerants
- Regulations and standards
- Refrigerant safety
- Compressor terminal venting
- Compressor change out
- System flushing, purging and pressure testing for leaks
- Compatibility
- Servicing procedures
Instructor Resources
Instructor resource media includes:
- PPT - PowerPoint that correlates directly with the training manual.
The open book, 50-question, end-ofcourse, online assessment verifies comprehension of course materials.
Those who successfully complete the program will receive an RSES Course Completion Certificate.
A score of 88% correct (44 correct out of 50 questions) is required to pass the exam. The cost of the exam is $40.
Take the Exam Now