Clearance! Indoor Air Quality In The Building Environment

Clearance!  Indoor Air Quality In The Building Environment

Item #: CIAGBE
Price: $16.95
ISBN: 0-912524-82-0

The quality of the air we breathe while in our homes and at work is often taken for granted, If we do not smell any foul odors then we assume the air is clean, but this is often not the case. Contaminants can lurk iin the hvac systems of many office buildings, indistrial facilities, and even our own homes, Indoor air Quaity in th Building Environment details the many complicated facets of this increasigly hot political-social issue, from potential casues and cures to its precaious place in the political landscape. This unique book takes an intelligentm insightful look at air quakity from both the social and business perspective. The author streeses the significance indoor air quality plays in our daily lives and offers a comprehendive study of this important issue. Highlights from Indoor Air Quality in the Building Environment include: -Opportunities for HVAC Contractors -Contaminants -Air Filtration -Radon and more serious IAQ contaminants -Manufacturers of IAQ products Commissioning in IAQ -Legal aspects. Whether you are an hvac professional, building owner or private citizen, this book is essential to gain a complete understanding of indoor air quality.