Kristin Heinemeier
Kristin is an Engineering Manager with Frontier Energy, Inc., with more than 35 years of experience in buildings energy research. She has applied behavioral and HVAC technology research and stakeholder engagement to EE technologies, programs, policies, and best practices. Her work history includes positions with national labs, academic institutions, private industry, non-profit organizations, local governments, and community-based organizations. Throughout the seemingly random walk of her career, she has developed specialties in behavior, HVAC performance (commissioning, diagnostics), delivery (code compliance, building operators and contractors), and evaluation (measurement of savings, net-to-gross, process). She is an active contributor to ASHRAE, where she is a Fellow and recipient of the Distinguished Service award.
Kristin holds a PhD in Building Science and a BS in Mechanical Engineering, both from the University of California at Berkeley. She is a Professional Mechanical Engineer in the State of California.