Demystifying Parallel CO2 Transcritical Racks

Presented by:   Don Elliott    John Bento   

Monday, March 25 from 8:45 AM until 10:00 AM, Napa A

The Demystifying Parallel CO2 Transcritical Racks course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of parallel carbon dioxide (CO2) transcritical refrigeration systems. With a focus on the commercial and industrial sectors, this course aims to demystify the complex concepts and components involved in parallel CO2 transcritical racks, enabling participants to effectively design, operate, and maintain these advanced refrigeration systems. Throughout the course, participants will explore the fundamental principles behind parallel CO2 transcritical racks, including an in-depth examination of CO2 as a natural refrigerant and its environmental benefits. The course will delve into the thermodynamic properties of CO2 and its behavior under different operating conditions, enabling participants to comprehend the unique challenges and advantages of using CO2 in transcritical applications. Participants will gain practical insights into the design considerations for parallel CO2 transcritical racks, covering topics such as system architecture, component selection, and refrigerant flow control. They will learn how to optimize system performance and energy efficiency while ensuring reliable operation and safe working conditions. Furthermore, the course will cover key operational aspects, including control strategies, capacity modulation, and defrosting techniques specific to parallel CO2 transcritical racks. Participants will explore advanced monitoring and diagnostic tools to effectively troubleshoot and maintain these systems, with an emphasis on preventing and addressing potential issues. By the end of the course, participants will have a solid understanding of the principles, design, operation, and maintenance of parallel CO2 transcritical racks. They will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions regarding the implementation of these systems, while considering environmental sustainability and energy efficiency objectives.